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Your Story

I've had several enlightening conversations with people this week in response to my last post about my story. Thanks so much to each of you who approached me - I've been encouraged to hear how God spoke to you.

I want to share what God has taught me through these conversations:

1. We all have a story. God has done something in your life and shown up somewhere, even if it's taken you years to realize it. Yours may not be anything like mine, but you have a story - and it's a really beautiful one.

2. God can't use your story if you don't share it. I don't recommend blabbing your story the first time you meet someone, but I absolutely encourage you to be obedient when you feel prompted to share it. Even though it feels vulnerable, so much good can come from sharing what God has done when He tells you it's time!

3. Your story is not just for you. God wants to teach the people around you through your story, both in the moment while it is happening and later when you share it with people who weren't present. Your spouse, friends, co-workers, and others you do life with will learn something about God and his character through your story. Your story is bigger than you and will benefit people in addition to you! BUT, back to #2 - no one can benefit from it if they don't know it.

4. He's the star character of your story. Yes, it happened to you. But why did it happen to you? To point you (and others who witnessed it or who hear it later) to Him. Colossians 1:16 reminds us. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him." It's. Not. About. Us. What is God trying to tell us about Himself through your story?

5. Stories aren't meant to be compared. There's no such thing as a story that's "more (fill in the blank)" than another story. Remember, sometimes His stories involve really in-your-face actions like parting seas, and other times they involve still, small voices. Both kinds of stories are moves of God and therefore incredible, intentional, and worth sharing. One story cannot trump another story, period. 

6. Your story isn't over. None of our stories are over if we are still on Earth! Yes, one monumental chapter may be closed, but God is still at work in your life and will write more chapters. The completion of one significant chapter doesn't signify the end of the book. Don't assume that because God has accomplished one massive thing in your life, he's finished using you. Also, remember that He can breathe new life into an old chapter by bringing someone into your path who needs to hear it (see #2 again).

I, for one, love a good story. I am confident God is at work in your life and would love to hear about it when you feel led to share!


  1. Yes!! Absolutely!! Loved seeing your radiance today!! Xoxo


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