Last weekend John's dad Steve and step-mother Karen came to visit. Steve and Karen live in a quiet, rural town in north Alabama. We absolutely love to visit them because we can't help but relax the second we step out of our car and into their cozy world. We have a great time when we are there and it's a nice escape from our norm. We had a really nice visit with them while they were here, and we enjoyed some fun Atlanta outings. In fact, I felt like a tourist myself at times because we hit spots I don't frequent on typical weekends. It was great to be with them and to step outside of my usual weekend routine. In addition to exploring the touristy places, it was interesting to see them take in the sites of my daily landscape. Watching them, I felt like I was seeing my environment through a visitor's eyes, and their observations helped me consider things in a new way. I think it's healthy to observe others responding to what you consider normal, and it is good to s...
Reflections and responses through the eyes of an insignificant young woman in love with a significant, powerful God. Reactions to things I see, hear and want to share with others.