In a few weeks, I'm heading to Berry College for Mountain Day. Mountain Day is homecoming, parents' weekend, and a holiday all rolled into one busy, hot, celebratory Saturday.
The essential element of Mountain Day is the grand march. This tradition involves students lining up by class year and marching up and down a hill while holding hands. Students wear a specific colored shirt based on their gender and class year as well. I'm making it sound odd, but there is tradition and symbolism behind the march. (You can read more about Mountain Day here.) Other Mountain Day festivities include student olympics on the day prior, a picnic lunch, a church service, and reunions for various student organizations, clubs, and sports teams. The day was originally established because of the school founder Martha Berry's birthday, but it has evolved into much, much more.
I never missed a Mountain Day as a student; in fact, my parents usually came up for the day, and we had a great time. However, last year, I had no desire to go. I really can't explain why, but I just didn't want to be there. However, this year, I'm already getting excited about connecting with people I haven't seen in quite a while and walking down memory lane at Berry, a place where I learned and grew so much. A womens' Bible study that I was involved with weekly for all four years is having a reunion too, so that's definitely spurring on my excitement.
It's funny how hindsight is 20/20. I liked Berry a lot and I loved the incredible people I encountered there, but looking back, I don't really think I made the most of it. I worried too much, spent too much time studying, and didn't take every opportunity to soak up the experiences and environment around me. Don't get me wrong - I was busy practically every night of the week with my commitments to organizations, on-campus jobs and activities - I definitely refined my interests and explored new ones. But looking back, I think I would have spent more time just with my friends and less time being busy or worrying about school.
Berry people - I am looking forward to seeing you on the mountain on Oct. 2!
Enjoy the photos from my Mountain Days as a student. I also included a few of the march so you can see the tradition in action!
"I worried too much, spent too much time studying, and didn't take every opportunity to soak up the experiences and environment around me." Don't let my daughter see this please....