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"So, how are you doing?"

It's been a week now since our not-so-routine cardiology appointment. Loved ones have been asking me how I'm doing and what I need.

I've answered this question differently each time I have been asked! Honestly, I've gone through quite the spectrum of emotions, much to my husband's delight. :-) Ha, I kid. He is wonderful and patient, but he just processes things differently than I do. This is one of the (several) lessons that God has ALREADY taught me in the past seven days. He made John's brain unique from mine, and that was on purpose! We contemplate, analyze, dwell and respond differently to every situation we encounter, and this is no exception. Just because we are not feeling or expressing exactly what our spouse is experiencing doesn't mean that we cannot hear him or her out and validate the expression. In fact, we should seek ways to draw those emotions and reflections out of our partner and really listen, not trying to rush through, explain away, solve or dismiss any of it. Then we should identify ways we can serve the other person in the way that he or she needs at that moment. I am learning about John through this, he's learning about me, and we're both learning to appreciate how God made us differently but compatible as a team in a beautiful way. We need one another. He made us this way. It is good.

Practically speaking, we feel incredibly blessed and overwhelmed in the best possible way by the outpouring of support from our people. Wow. Thank you... As for the details:

Status update: As you probably saw from my post yesterday, the consensus of the 40 experts was that though it's not urgent or an emergency, we should probably have surgery in the next year to seal the hole since it's very unlikely to close on its own. They said that we can look at our schedules and figure out a time that works well for us.

Next step: I'm waiting for the scheduling department to call so that we can talk about dates and nail something down.

How we feel about this: We are very glad that they were in agreement, and we are ready to go ahead and take care of this. It will not be fun by any means, so we'd rather just go ahead and put it behind us! As a woman I look up to a lot said to me, God is the author of Olivia's story. This is a chapter that we didn't see coming, but we have to trust the Author.

What we need: I'm sure that a time will come when we need practical things like meals or visitors who can distract us, but no needs beside prayer comes to mind right now. Thanks for praying for wisdom for us with the timing of this and for favor with the scheduling department. I have no idea how soon or late they are able to schedule us.

Thanks, guys.


  1. Your insight is amazing! How old ARE you anyway? (LOL) As you move forward, you will continue to learn about yourself and John. Back in the day, I found that there was NOTHING like hanging out at CHOA to open my eyes as to how extraordinarily blessed I was. Someday you will look back on all of this as a teeny blemish on joy of Olivia's childhood.... until then, continued prayers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My niece Arwen had a hip joint that was not joined properly. We prayed, and it grew together properly. I live daily with the benefits and consequences of open heart surgery.


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